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Raccoon Removal —To Handle It With The Critter Guy

Raccoon Removal for all — Easy And Simple Way To Handle It With The Critter Guy
Small, gray-furred raccoons have the well-known “black mask” across their eyes and bushy, gray-and-black-striped tails. They are well-known for their cleverness and are frequently capable of lifting roof shingles and removing garbage can lids. They can also open jars and even doorknobs with their paws, which look like five-fingered hands. You can check out raccoon removal here.
Raccoons are wild animals that can harm people, their pets, and their property, despite the fact that some people find them adorable. Raccoons will ruthlessly defend themselves if they sense danger, which is why it is always best to hire professionals to remove them from your property.

Fill out our online form at The Critter Guys if you have a problem with raccoons or other wildlife. You can also check out Bat Removal In Ontario here.

The presence of raccoon tracks, feces, and loud noises are all indications that there is an infestation of raccoons. We explain in detail below how these signs will appear in your home. Please get in touch with us as soon as you notice any of these signs.

Tracks The first sign of a raccoon problem is raccoon tracks. Their tracks are much smaller than a human hand, measuring less than four inches, and each finger has claws attached to it. Raccoon tracks are frequently discovered in softer soil, in the vicinity of trees, foundations for buildings, and garbage cans.

The raccoon’s droppings are tubular in shape and dark in color, and their ends are blunt. Raccoons typically select a specific location to deposit their droppings, which are known as latrines. There is a good chance that you have an infestation if you find a latrine in your home.

Raccoons produce a wide variety of distinctive sounds, which can range from high-pitched squeals and growls to purrs and whimpers. Raccoons will also make loud noises while scurrying or shuffling through your attic in search of food in addition to these vocal sounds.

How to Get Rid of Raccoons?

It can get rid of the raccoon from your property without causing any harm. To keep the raccoon under control and prevent its return, your specialist will employ both trapping and exclusion techniques.

If the raccoon is causing a problem on your property by turning over your trash cans, only trapping will be used to get rid of it. If the raccoon is inside your home, both trapping and exclusion techniques will be used.

Exclusion Raccoons will be exterminated from your property using a combination of exclusion techniques and trapping services. The process of exclusion entails securing any doors or windows in your house that could allow a raccoon to enter.

How to keep raccoons away?

The most effective method for preventing raccoons from entering your property is to discourage them from doing so. Because raccoons have sensitive eyes and are frequently scared away by bright lights and loud noises, having a motion-activated light on your property can be helpful. To keep raccoons at bay, try these additional methods of prevention.

Clean To avoid raccoons, it is essential to keep your property clean of anything that might entice them. Food should always be stored indoors. Assuming you have pets that are outside creatures, attempt to keep their food in a solid area. Raccoons and your pets are likely to come into close proximity to each other over any readily available food source.
Remove vegetation and access points. You should check your home often, especially the roof and attic access. Get them fixed as soon as possible if there are holes or loose shingles. In order to find shelter, raccoons will pry off roof shingles and make use of any holes to get inside.

Also, clear your home of any vegetation and build a fence around your garden. Because raccoons like to dig for grubs, beetles, and other insects, they could eat your garden’s fruits, vegetables, and other plants.

Raccoons will also open garbage cans and dig into containers for food, so lock them. Make sure the lid on your garbage can is secure. You can also buy a garbage can with a built-in lockable lid or use a bungee cord to secure it.

Raccoon Removal —To Handle It With The Critter Guy

Raccoon Removal —To Handle It With The Critter Guy


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