I regard this video as a non-stop surge of energy. Our aim was for you to experience the song's music, beat, and speed to the fullest. We've meticulously crafted every aspect of the video to ensure consistency and make it as distinctive as possible.
“SKYFALL” | Created by Mathi & Reijy
We made the thumbnail ourselves too! But we'll come back to that in a moment.
Let's get to the fun part! Or rather... THE TIRESOME ONE :)
Yes, Skyfall's name comes from the movie Skyfall. Yeah... how creative! But that movie was actually our main inspiration for creating this montage. We tried to take that style and incorporate it into our video, reshaping and adapting it to fit the content, and finally adding a killer song. I assure you, it wasn't easy.
For the creation of this scene where I introduce myself as the editor of Part 1, The goal was to create a vibrant and dynamic scene that captured the viewer's attention from the very beginning, filling it with bright colors and floating objects. The character had to be depicted in an epic way that would etch in the viewer's memory.
Here's a quick VFX breakdown to show you the process.
I must admit, I have a bit of an obsession with these things, and you'll soon discover just how deep it runs.
TWO shots. ONE big problem.
As you know, or at least I think you do, when it comes to compositing, the first thing you need is tracking, obviously after coming up with the idea, which in itself took a lot of time. Anyway, this clip was low quality and was also very empty, so when I was in the 3D tracking phase, I struggled to solve the camera. I tried various techniques with little success, until I decided to manually track the shot. And it worked!
Click on this video to see the little breakdown.
background environment, sequence look development, matchmove, roto, motion design, full comp
I love compositing, it's probably my favorite stage, it always adds that magic to everything.

Look here.
Adding these floating buildings in many parts of the video was an interesting challenge, especially when I was matching the lighting. Seeing those structures hovering in the air added a surreal touch to the overall aesthetic.
I created custom assets to enhance certain scenes and add a sense of cohesion to the overall video. As the theme involved cards and buildings, I opted for these types of assets, which ultimately made the clips more interesting and creative.
So how can we make a cool transition to divide the two parts? 

Well, with som3D!
How cool? ;)
The Amazing Spider-Man 2Spider-Man: No Way Home were our inspirations for this part. While I directed the scenes, @reijy executed them flawlessly. Finally, I took care of the compositing and color grading to bring it all together.
This is one of the three shots I worked on.
Check out this breakdown. 
Earlier I mentioned that breakdowns were my obsession. I warned you.
Let's talk about the thumbnail in detail and examine the various steps.
We were inspired by the cover art of Fortnite's "Collision" event, taking cues from the characters' poses and overall visual look. We wanted to create a night-time, magical look that also tied in with the theme of the video, featuring falling buildings and floating cards.
As you can see in this scene, I went heavy with the compositing. I added fog, glow, dust, embers, lens texture, anamorphic flare, and finally did the color grading to give it a more serious tone.
Motion Design in the full VFX breakdown video
As a creator, I poured my heart and soul into producing a comprehensive breakdown video that encapsulates all the hard work and passion I put into the making of Skyfall. I meticulously rendered countless layers, revealing each crucial step in the creative process that led to the final look. So if you're curious to discover the inner workings of this montage and the techniques I used to bring it to life, then you won't miss this video.
Before achieving this result, I spent hours and hours developing and refining the concept that I had in my mind. I experimented with various techniques and approaches until I found the perfect combination that brought my vision to life.
You can see it either in the cover or directly animated in the video.
Still Frames


