Chalk Art done at the World Book Fair 2014, to promote Roli Books.
Day 1.
Wrote a quote by Benjamin Franklin, 'Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing', on the road straight across from the Roli Books stall. Many stopped to look. Many stopped to buy. Ruskin Bond himself stopped to ask what we was going on. The chalk lasted a day but the happiness lasted much longer.
Day 2
Drew minimal book covers off the shelves of Roli Books.
Kids were more than enthusiastic to help us colour and finish. 
Day 3
Taking after the trand of involving kids, I decided to write a massive, 'stop' in the
middle of everything and as someone passed we asked them to stop. To reflect.
And to write down whatever it was that they wanted to stop doing. 
What they wanted others to stop doing.
When the first kid, came up with Stop fighting, we knew ideas were going to storm in.
A little food for thought, is great for health.
Day 4
On the concluding day of the Book Fair, the following cover of the comic
by the highly inspiring Gen. Ian Cardozo, was drawn. He addressed the people
and kept them glued with his tales of bravery at the war front, for quite a session.
We let kids take all the leftover chalk and draw whatever they felt the need to.
Thankyou for going through. 
Chalk Art

Chalk Art

Chalk art on the street for the promotion of Roli Books, at the World Book Fair.
