Luci is a mini-domestic appliance that prepares breakfast, designed for the user prototype of some roomies who have just moved to live alone, so they are very out of place, and still lack many kitchen elements and appliances for their home. Luci makes life easier for them, saving them time in the morning when it comes to preparing breakfast, in addition to being an affordable appliance.
Design goal
Develop with the help of new or conventional technologies a product that manages to facilitate/automate the process of preparing breakfast, reducing worries and responsibilities when carrying out your daily routine during the morning, thus bringing greater peace of mind. This promotes conscious eating and the importance of maintaining a healthy life, generating a better lifestyle and mood when you wake up.

Personalization is offered through 3 available colors of the product.
Designed by a group of 6 students in project 6 of product design engineering at EAFIT. I was in charge of conceptualization, rendering and visual styles.



Creative Fields