Signature: Illustrated Instagram Campaign

The Carnival Begins: 
An Instagram Layout for Signature, Saudi Arabia!

We created a brand style for our client from Saudi Arabia. 
This included making characters, designing packaging, creating menus 
and other in-store elements, as well as making promotional videos. We also added our hand-drawn illustrations and animations to their Instagram, 
which was super fun!

In January 2023, we kicked off our Instagram design 
for this brand with a winter's greeting. 

The Signature team announced a lot of changes 
coming to their brand in the upcoming year. 
And we also unveiled the brand's 
fresh new visual style to the world.

Then, we moved on to the promotional part: 
a Carnival menu that offers discounted products 
on various days of the week.

The centerpiece of this layout is an animated video 
that showcases the carnival-themed Signature menu.

With our efforts (and pleasure!), the entire block in our client's feed 
now looks like a cohesive masterpiece. 

Visit our client's Instagram 
to admire our work!

Follow the Catmint Agency account 
to see what other beauty we'll do next for this brand!

Signature: Illustrated Instagram Campaign