Andre Ouellette's profile

Bioshock Vigors WIP

These are some vigor bottle models I've been working on for a Bioshock Infinite montage/homage project I've been tossing around in my head. I wanted to do a fun, low-poly style treatment of some of the elements from the game, and it's just one of many projects I'm currently jumping between.
Charge Bottle
Of course, these are largely "low-poly" in spirit. I was going more for the look and feel rather than truly legit low-poly modeling that people much more talented than I can produce. However, as my first real deep dive into modeling in Cinema 4D, I'm really happy with how they're coming along, and I'm learning a lot.
Murder of Crows Bottle
Going to modify the chain and tag model slightly with this one, but I'm super proud to have it working with dynamics. It looks pretty swanky in motion.
Shock Jockey Bottle
Undertow Bottle
Got a couple more vigor bottles to do, as well as figure out a way to style the labels that'll rest in all the empty discs. Already have a rough model for the Silver Eagle coin from the game, and depending on how over-confident I feel I think I'll tackle the skyhook next.
Bioshock Vigors WIP

Bioshock Vigors WIP

Some progress samples of a personal project I'm working on, creating low-poly models of elements from Bioshock Infinite.
