
Bringing random things home isn’t unusual for me as I'm an avid collector and love nothing more than digging through other people’s junk at car boot sales and charity shops. I also find collections endlessly fascinating because of the way people collect for the sheer joy of it.

Collected objects could be shards of pottery found on the beach, or old forgotten toys that most people probably wouldn’t look at twice. For the collector they are precious treasures that are lovingly categorised in heavy albums or proudly displayed in homes for all to see.
One day while out for a walk, I came across discarded sheets of off-cut wood. It seemed fitting to create a series of work under the theme Repurpose and Collection, giving the wood a second life.

What started as three small illustrations quickly turned into eight, additional offcuts were kindly donated by local business, Splintr.
These were screen printed by hand directly onto the wood, embracing the charm of their different grains, colour and thicknesses.

Exhibition: Whitespace Gallery 2022




Creative Fields