First, I went looking for a nice song with a nice beat.
Song I chose: Transparancy ~ HXVRMXN
Then, I decided in what style I wanted to make the video.
We received a Photoshop file which contains a template for the shapes which came on the whiteboard at school where the video was being projected on.
I thought of a pattern i wanted to use. I visualised it in my head and made a full image of the masterboard where I could make a pattern in Premiere Pro using masks in the program.
Pattern image example
The hardest part of the creation of the timing was the fast humming. Luckily that humming is the same timing for the entire song, so all I had to do is copy-paste the timing and edit the images.
Most difficult timing in song
I will give myself credit of how organised I was working. I could find everything back in no time. I used different colours and layers to know which section is which and which effect and pattern is which.
Here I was making a pattern with the red triangles. I used four layers, each side had one. above=1, Left=2, right=3, below=4. Also, each colour is a different square. As you can see, the triangles are forming a square and with those triangles, I was forming a pattern. That's the reason I needed to be so organised in my timeline.
Organised with different colours
The further I was in the process of making the videomapping, the more advanced I became in forming different patterns. For example, here I found a cool new way to show the beat in the song.
New way to show the beat
I've put a lot of effort in the video and I am very proud of myself of how it turned out. I've impressed myself on how the timeline was looking at the end of the proces.
Almost full timeline in Premiere
I exported the video and I think it turned out pretty well.
Export of the videomapping
When the deadline was over, the next class, we showed our work to the rest and we recorded the videomapping so that you can see how it would look like when projected on the targed.
Videomapping being projected

