Before one scrolls further, I want you to imagine its 2020. Some call it, "The Worst Year Ever", "The Pandemic", or simply "2020." These days I tend to call it, "The Year Of No Faces."

Now imagine you lost your job, are unemployed for 6 months. after the first couple weeks I realized I wasn't going to get a job as quickly as I imagined, and decided to make the "portfolio to end all portfolio's!" I think at a whooping 172 pages I achieved that.

Without a job, and everyone hiding their faces or outright refusing to go starts to do some deep introspection. The result was this portfolio which chronicles my time at a firm i adored and a grad school that changed everything.

Its intense, but fun. Its broad, yet specific. This was a labor of love which saved me from shear madness. I hope you enjoy. If you are ever in this position, just remember to never give up, it could always be worse, and there is always a way out.
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