We made up a company in our marketing class and did this project as if we were making it for the company. Here I did a logo, a mock up of an ad, a website and a facebook page. This was a fun project and it was cool practicing working on something like this for a company.
This was a infographic I did for a presentation on the different types of black hat SEO. This infographic quickly helps a person identify what is black hat and warns against using it.
This was a project where we identified what we felt like were good and bad logos and defended our position of why.
The local airline company in our town had recently went over a huge makeover and got a new location and came up with a new logo. In this assignment we were to act as if they had hired us to do some work and here I did a new logo for them, came up with some paper materials and did a mock up of a website.
Here we were attempting to come up with a new logo for the merger of these two tire companies
This was actually the longest and most enjoyable project from my illustrator class. We made logos for a partner and then we took those logos and make mock companies and came up with a brand usage guide for the company. It took a while but it was very fun and interesting
University Work

University Work

These were the best projects I did while attending my university
