Artist Statement
In this project, I examine the meaning and symbolism of the American flag, particularly in the context of the 9/11 attacks and the Covid-19 pandemic.
These two events serve as bookends for the project, highlighting the shifting perceptions of the flag as a symbol of democracy, grief, patriotism, and nationalism.
The images in the project illustrate how a symbol can be used to express a range of emotions and ideas, and they challenge us to consider the complexities and contradictions of national identity.
As we look back over the past 20 years, we can see a shift in the way the flag is used and perceived.
In the aftermath of 9/11, the flag became a ubiquitous presence, a symbol of unity and resilience in the face of tragedy. But in the Covid-19 era, the flag has taken on a different meaning, as the pandemic has exposed the deep divisions and vulnerabilities in our society.
Some see the mask as a patriotic gesture, a way of protecting our fellow citizens and showing our civic duty. Others see the mask as a symbol of oppression or a infringement on their personal freedom.
This project raises important questions about what it means to be patriotic and how we express our national identity.
Do we display the flag in our windows or on our lapels as a sign of solidarity and pride? Or do we reject the flag as a symbol of imperialism and oppression?
These are not easy questions to answer, and they require us to engage with the complex and often conflicting meanings of the flag.
Ultimately, this project is a meditation on the American dream and the ways in which it has been shaped by history, culture, and politics.
It is a call to examine our own beliefs and values, and to consider how we can be more accountable and responsible as citizens.
I hope that this project will encourage us to think more deeply about what it means to be an American and how we can work together to create a more just and equitable society.
Julian Mackler
The American Flag


The American Flag


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