The WanderingSoul's profile

Lost In The Sound Of Silence

Lost In The Sound Of Silence
[December, 2022]
Where All My Limbs Will Become Trees (Reminiscence)
Wär’s nicht schön, wenn wir gemeinsam ebenso zwanglos sein könnten, wie alleine? Wenn uns nie fad werden würde, auch wenn wir einmal nichts zu sagen hätten? Alleine, alleine ist das so; und vielleicht mag ich es deshalb so sehr, ist es doch immer frei jeden Zwanges. Im Winter, in der Kälte, kann ich stundenlang unterwegs sein. Aber mit jemand anderem? Nicht einmal vorzustellen vermag ich es mir.

Almost two years after my series 'Where All My Limbs Will Become Trees', I visited this area in winter again, wondering if I can add something to previous times. The weather conditions were marvelous, though, mist was not as dense as I'd hoped for. I woke up nearby in the coldness and silence, and approached the forest already in dawn. As I made my way through the whiteout, I wondered if it's really us who vanishes in the fog, if not the world around us. But after all, would it make a difference? When I captured this particular series, I was out there for five hours, and therefore kind of exhausted. Nonetheless, this time I tried to focus more on the trees inside of the forest, and not the ones at the edge.

2022/12/21, listening to 'Rosalee Theme' by Max Richter

Lost In The Sound Of Silence
- Pt. I | Pt. II | Pt. III -
(probably my favorite of this series)
Lost In The Sound Of Silence

Lost In The Sound Of Silence
