I am interested in the topic of intimacy and Boudoir as a Photographic style.
This kind of photography to me is a completely different experience. To be part of this kind of art, you need to know the story behind the eyes and every story is special. These differences between us makes every single person unique. You need to find that small, calm and private place in the heart that is warming the world of this person and put your own fingerprints in order to show it through the camera.
I feel the kind of need to examine and understand the soul and the body the soul is hiding behind as well as the connection between the two. I want to know what the story is; why is this person standing in front of me…
This kind of photography is spontaneous, beautiful and feminine. It is all about the connection. But not the one between me and the camera or the subject and the camera, but everything that is going on between me and the subject. I want to see what different realities are able to show and express.
We are Women. Our body is used to be considered an object while it is so much more than that. It is all about elegance, grace and confidence. I want my art to remind every woman around the world that she is gorgeous, powerful and important. And she has every right to be brave and to express herself in the most convenient for her way. Being who we are is our best feature, what makes us different and what makes us special.
I want to make women aware of their body, beauty and confidence. I want to take them away from their imperfections and prejudies. My main goal is to prove them that they are more than just a ,,trophy". 
All the girls I worked with are completely different one from another. Putting them together combines differend galaxies and creates one beautiful universes where all the doubts turn into something more than just fragility. It creates self- awareness and power. 
Who We Are

Who We Are



Creative Fields