Chunky Spinach Dip
This chunky homemade spinach dip is a blend of spinach, fresh herbs and cashews thats sure to make your double-dipping dreams come true. Easy and versatile, this spinach dip can be enjoyed as a snack, on wraps and sandwiches or as a dressing.

One day I will
own a house with a huge backyard and garden that allows me to harvest my own herbs and veggies. Until then, i’ll stick with my click and grow in my tiny NYC apartment, that’s given me fresh herbs, specifically basil, all summer long.

Spinach dip is a classic party pleasing recipe that you can serve in a variety of ways – hot, cold or in a bread bowl just to name a few. This combination is my favorite, with minimal ingredients and prep, coming together in just a few minutes.

INGREDIENTS: What You Need to Make Chunky Spinach Dip

Fresh Spinach – You’ll want to use fresh spinach here to maximize the flavor as the dips main ingredient. If you opt to use frozen, note that your dip will have extra water

Fresh Basil – It’s amazing what a difference fresh herbs can make when cooking at home. If you’re like me and don’t have access to grow your own herbs but love to cook, I recommend purchasing a click and grow (it’s changed my life) or buying a basil plant for the season from your local grocery store

Parmesan Cheese – More cheese, please! Parmesan is a hard cheese that adds a nice decadent flavor in this recipe

Cashews – We’re making the healthiest version of spinach dip which calls for whole cashews instead of cream cheese or yogurt.

Lemon – The juice from half of a lemon goes further than you’d think in simple recipes like this chunky spinach dip

Garlic – I’ve stopped mincing my own garlic due to it’s lingering scent on my fingers and opt to purchase minced garlic or Trader Joe’s frozen garlic cubes!

Nutmeg *SECRET INGREDIENT* a pinch is all you need to bring an earthy flavor to this chunky spinach dip

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Chunky Spinach Dip

Chunky Spinach Dip
