Léa Manchajm's profile

Industrial end-to-end process

For an industrial company
Within the framework of a major digital tool change, an industrial company asked us to help them map their end-to-end target processes related to this new tool. The goal of this process mapping was to help them better understand each other's role and the interactions between the different functional areas, by having a global macro vision of the target process, for communication and training purposes. This new mapped processes will indeed be used both digitally, for internal communication, and printed, as a support for various training courses.
To do so, we organized several workshops with key users: one workshop for one specific scope and its target end-to-end process. Key users are experts and referents in their functional area, and know the target process for that area. Each workshop lasted between half a day and a full day, depending on the scope, with 15 to 20 participants. The goals of these workshops was to involve the key users and benefit from their expertise, in order to efficiently map each end-to-end process, but also to create a convivial time and enable everyone to share their knowledge and thoughts on the overall process.

The workshops

Each workshop was divided into several steps:

Although most of the participants already knew each other, not all of them did. An ice-breaker, which varied according to the workshops so that people attending several workshops did not always do the same one, was therefore important to get to know each other if necessary and to get into the right state of mind for the rest of the rest of the workshop.

For the first step of this workshop, participants were gathered by functional areas, and given a model and designated color of post-its to put their own individual process on paper. This process mapping by functional area included actions to make (the process in itself), triggering and triggered events, and data used and produced.
Everyone was then getting together to build the end-to-end process on a large sheet of kraft paper on the wall, using the process mapping by functional area previously built and moving post-its from these individual processes to the end-to-end one. They could follow the major macro steps of the process, identified before the workshop and already indicated on the kraft, and link some actions wit others tanks to wool yarns.

Once the end-to-end process mapping finished, the whole group reviewed it and discussed the different impacts and points of attention identified.

The construction of this mapping and the side discussions were as important in the project as the finished product, as it allowed all the actors to exchange and better understand the new tool.

Formalisation and design of the process

After the workshops, in order to rework and design the final end-to-end process mapping, we created on Klaxoon an identical digital version of the workshop mapping. We then reworked it, summarized some of the information and reorganized some elements, in order to get a more easily understandable version. We presented it to the key users during a remote restitution workshop to get their validation and confirm their expectations were met, allowing us to finally design the final end-to-end process mapping.

Industrial end-to-end process

Industrial end-to-end process
