This is an ad I created in Photoshop for a fictional brand called "Yum Burger"
Slogans for this ad: 

Gimme yum more.
2. We got that yummy yum. (Justin Bieber)
3. Exploding with flavor
4. Yum embodied
5. Mm mm mm.
6. Yummmmmmm burger
7. It tastes even better than it looks.
8. Put that yum in your tum.
9. There’s only 1 burger: Yum Burger.
10. Get sYum burger.
11. Let Yum Burger start your party.
12. The yummiest of them all.
13. Yum yum yum.
14. Party in my mouth.
15. The yummiest burger in town.
16. New yum on the block.
17. New burger on the block.
18. Break up with your old burger.
19. Its YUM time.
20. YUM Burger is YUR burger.
Thumbnails for this assignment
YUM Burger

YUM Burger
