Cameron Bailey's profile

All Acer(fictional)

I was looking into technology based companies to work with I managed to discover Acer actually makes a larger number of peripherals and tablets. Normally, I am the person who you would ask “Hey did you know Acer sells Gaming Mice?” and would respond with some variation of “Duh doesn’t everybody know that?”. When somebody who self describes themselves as your target market doesn’t know your offerings, that's a huge problem. 

With this project knowing the target market is people like myself I look where I spend my time. All physical marketing material is a waste on me. I spend my time in the digital world of Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, IGN, and Google. With that in mind I went with social media ads (three graphics, all 800 x 428 px)

The tagline "all acer" was honestly decided before anything else. The sound flows and it addresses the subject that all these products are from Acer
Final versions of the project. The blue glow is the color used for Acer's Predator line of product for more high end gaming. Everything that is a product of Acer has the blue glow. 

Unfortunately I had a lead on raw and unedited images used in Acer marketing that did not pan out. I had to make do with editing images used online in various places.

If I ever get the opportunity I would love to revisit this project with those images
There are very bare bones outlines of my vision for the ad's. I wanted to get a sense of the actual products I would need images for and how they would layout. 
I was never the type of designer who sketches out a ton of designs as ideas. I have tons of ideas but I mostly visualize them in my head and narrow them down from there.

This project is when I started to break myself of that habit and get my ideas down on paper to refine them.
All Acer(fictional)


All Acer(fictional)
