user's profile

Yes, I is Human

Character Jam
For the character jam, I created a character based off of three words randomly chosen. I received submersible, squid and spikey and my initial thought was how I was going to implement submersible with squid as squids were already submersible, but I didn't want to let it go as a two for one package. The first and obvious idea on merging submersible and squid is making a sub shaped like a squid so Instead I thought what people need on a sub and diving gear came to mind. With that in mind, I designed a mask and a tank out of squids and connected a tentacle as an air hose. Finally, I started implementing spikey by adding spikes on its main body and replacing the suctions cups for spikes as it's way of attaching to its host. As an added bonus, I put spikes on the mask squid's eyes to give it eyelashes to try and implement a sort of human like feature to show their intelligence.
Yes, I is Human

Yes, I is Human
