Urban Outfitters Home
Logo and Symbol Design / Lauren Kropp
Project Overview
Urban Outfitters Home section is forever evolving, as they continue to try new styles and different prints they refuse to forget their baseline as being a bohemian and eccentric brand. Now, with their new yearning for sustainability, they are continuing that essence of evolution into a new era! Urban also is constantly setting new fashion, home, and decor trends by predicting what's coming back or what new trend is coming. When the Urban label is on the item, it's destined to be a trend. So I thought it was time their brand mark evolved using shapes, design, and flow that I believed was demonstrated on their website. One repeating design I saw was that of a flower so I decided this would be the perfect way to represent the brand.
Final Brand Mark Design / B&W and Color
Concept Development
     Eccentric                        Evolving                        Bohemian                   Trendsetter              
I first started by identifying Urban's Home line and what four key words help to compile the brand. I felt this would be really important when creating a style guide and when I started to design the brand mark. Urban's brand is very eccentric with its strange and abnormal Home items that range in color, pattern, and overall design. They are also a forever-evolving brand, as I mentioned before, they continue to move through and set trends for each season and they also continue to try new things, such as the renewal and sustainability concept. Last but not least their bohemian/70's style shines through on the groovy artwork and lines that flow through the each design.
Digital Identity Mark Explorations
Typographic Principals
Logo Signature
Brand Visual Elements
Poster Design / Brand Application
Brand Identity Design in Motion

