Cassidy Moon's profile

PSA Campaign for BYUI ART235

The final project for BYU-I ART235 was to create a Public Service Announcement campaign.  We were instructed to design three 11x17 inch posters for any social or environmental cause that we wanted, as long as it meets the Ad Council criteria, meaning:
-non-partisan issue (although not necessarily non-biased)
-must have national significance

We were required to include the Ad Council logo in our design, as well as a link to a non-profit website that would be likely to run the campaign. 
1 in 5 American adults struggle with mental illness, but there still is an overwhelmingly negative stigma surrounding it.  This stigma both prevents suffers from seeking help, as well as demeans and belittles those who are getting help.
The target audience for these posters are the four in five American adults that are not (currently) suffering from mental illness.  They probably know and associate with multiple people who are struggling with things like depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, and more.  
The juxtaposition between the kind gestures and the harsh words shared in these posters are intended to make the viewer pause and think harder about what they say to people with different illnesses.  It would be rude and insensitive to tell someone with the flu "it's all in your head", and yet someone with depression or anxiety has likely been told that many times.
Whether physical or mental, all illnesses should be met with kindness and understanding. My hope is that the viewer will remember these posters and their message the next time someone close to them shares a part of the battle with mental illness.
PSA Campaign for BYUI ART235

PSA Campaign for BYUI ART235
