Color Studies Project
For this project I picked a picture of my favorite animal, a peacock. I wanted to use a close-up headshot of the peacock as using a picture that had the peacock's full body would be difficult to do due to the different patterns on the feathers. 
Using different shades and tints of red I was able to use different brushes and create a similar design to the original picture. I wanted to keep the feeling of the peacock having feathers, so I used Spring brushes that were in the shape of different plants to give it the feeling of feathers. I wanted the peacock to pop so I made the background dark and outlined them in white to separate the background color and the peacocks red colors. 
For the complementary colors I went with blue and yellow. I used two different sets of brushes for this one, both had similar strokes to a real paintbrush. Mixing the colors with different brush types I wanted it to look like a painting while keeping the peacocks feather patterns. I added a dark outline around the peacock, so it didn't blend in with the background.
Split Complementary:
The Split Complementary was a hard one, I couldn't decide which colors to do so I ended up doing orange, blue, and green. I used watercolor brushes and put stroke over stroke to make the strokes look like feathers. I wanted the colors to flow with each other, make it look like it was natural almost swirling and merging. For the background I wanted something that would complement the peacock and its colors but not take the attention away from it completely, so I used a lightning brush and made it look like there were cracks around the peacock.
This one is my favorite out of all of them, the Tetrad painting had to be one of the ones I had the most fun doing. For this piece I used multiple brushes. I went with a peacock made entirely out of flowers. Using flower brushes and pencil brushes I was able to succeed in making it look like it was made entirely out of flowers and leaves. The colors mixed with each other and even gave off a calming feeling. The background is a bit blurred to make the peacock look like it was somewhere all while popping out.
Color Studies

Color Studies


Creative Fields