SIFE: Website Redesign
Process work of the website redesign. 
Current website.
Draft 01
June 4, 2011

June 8, 2011

Draft 03
June 8, 2011

At this point I've received a digital version of the official CMU plaid pattern. I tested it out but it's not very uniform -- that is, it's a scan of actual fabric so the plaid lines are wiggly at parts. It's very obvious when juxtaposed with the straight vertical lines of the layout. (I can provide a visual example upon request)

Draft 05
June 8, 2011

I, uh... skipped from "Draft 03" to "Draft 05" because I did the same by accident in my computer. :D Keeping these titles consistent with my own files. Apologies for any confusion!

Draft 06
June 9, 2011

Draft 08
June 20, 2011

Idea : Login box
Appears as dropdown upon hovering over "Deviant Login" on the menu bar. Reduces the need for a separate login page and also clears up unwanted clutter for those who don't have accounts.

Idea : Login Box
Pops up upon clicking the "Log In" link at the top.

CMU SIFE website redesign.


Creative Fields