A set of 4 dining chairs made from reclaimed deck wood from the 70s.

Through the past 2 years I embarked on a journey helping my parents restore a house in the mountains of Idyllwild. After a long time of working on the house the final project was redoing the deck. As we took it apart I realized how the wood had looked like it had been sandblasted but this was from a natural weathering of the wood. I then collected all the wood I could and set out to make dining chairs for my own place. 

My approach when designing and building these chairs was to keep it simple as well as playing with proportions by adding the lower shelf. This shelf became an important part of the chair and gives you the ability to store the things you cherish. Much like the memories I will keep with me from my time in the mountains which I will cherish for years to come.

Materials:  Reclaimed Douglas Fir, Maple Plywood, Brass Screws


