Fall in Love

+ Creative Direction
+ Design
+ Artwork

Seasonal campaign for Park Leisure.
The aim for this creative was to share some seasonal cheese without loosing the brand values and authenticity at the same time. The visuals were created by myself, starting with the direct mailer and then spring boarding into the rest of the creative assets. The first mailer we ran with this creative was the most successful Park Leisure had had to date which lead to the same style being ran for the next three years over the appropriate platforms. The later campaigns ran on digital only as Park Leisure moved away from paper mailers to streamline their marketing efforts.
Facebook paid ads were created to run when Facebook first allowed animation into their ads. The ads all worked to the 20% text rule of the time.
Other digital banners were also created to run across partnership websites.

Fall in Love


Fall in Love

Fall in Love + Creative Direction + Design + Artwork Seasonal campaign for Park Leisure. The aim for this creative was to share some seasonal c Read More
