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Interactive Media Art [Low-Key] 미디어아트

Low - Key is an Interactive Media Art, that communicates with the equalizer and media wall. 


As you can figure out with the Logotype, Low - Key is an Interactive Media Art, that communicates with the equalizer and media wall. Each equalizer has an individual function in it, which is responding to the screen users can Interactive.

Touch OSC is a MIDI Controller that helps users easily in the middle of the developments of program ‘TouchDe signer’ and the Media wall. The functions of the equalizer in Touch OSC is as belows.

The three sliders are for transparency adj -ustments. We give a value from 0 to 1, so when you moving from 0 to 1, the graphi c's transparency is increasing as you move. For the graphic, There’re moonlight, cloud s and City Lights. If you move sliders at the same time, the three Graphics can be seen overlapping as well.

In order to make the graphic move to a video, not a still, after working with Photoshop, motion is given After effect, and the motion reacts at the same time as the sound effect.

Equalizers in the Touch OSC response as to this.

‘LOW - KEY’ operates as a TouchDesigner program.TouchDesigner is a node based visual programming language for real time interactive multimedia content. It's been used by art ists, programmers, creative coders, software designers, and performers to create perform ances, installations, and fixed media works.

LOW - KEY is an interactive media art gives comfort feeling. LOW - KEY is 
❶ LOWKEY : a bit, controled, relaxed 

❷ LOW - KEY : low key(Tone) a double meaning word. Have sit on a ‘LOW’ chair and hold the ‘KEY’board on the table and look at the media wall. The media wall over 3m will overwhelm you. Unlike corny standing media art, you can sit and watch it in a comfortable settings. Viewing Points 

❶ First-person perspective : feel like users really enter the room so that users can be more into it and feel a sense of space. 

❷ Enjoying the outside world from the window. 

❸ Breaking down the boundary between unreality(Supermoon, Meteor, Purple world, Moving objects) and reality(Room).

LOW - KEY Plan & Purpose 

❶ Comfortable media art For your eyes, ears, and mind, not excessive colorful and effective. 

❷ Artwork rather than interactive media art with motions Interactive media art not like one-way communicaiton art that are simply viewed. 

❸ Complete understanding of the artwork To completely understand the artwork by adding various effects (motion, music, and sound effects) to the collage artwork. 
❹ Direct, errorless, interactive art Traditional media art uses media wall touch method, and it requires a few seconds to recognize. But, Low - Key uses a direct remote controller method to prevent that awkward feelings users may feel. Media wall and touch OSC respond immediately at the same time. 

❺ Customized interactive art Users can add graphics, music and sound effects with touch OSC as users request. 

❻ Unrealistic media art into fantasy but realistic by using real things of daily lives By using daily things of daily lives so that as soon as users see the artwork, they more interactive, more into it. Unrealistic graphics also from real things. (Supermoon, Meteor, Purple World)

❶ Exhibition Concept : #Dreamlike, #Fantasy, #Chill : Graphics, Music are all unified 

❷ Exhibition Tone & Manner(color and atmosphere) : Purple, Hotpink, Monochrome(Black) 

❸ Exhibition Poster : Poster uses the media wall graphic as itself. The equalizers in the touch OSC and the purple color were used as tone and manner. The monochrome at the bottom of the poster represents the real world where we are, and from the center to the top, it represents LOW - KEY world where we gradually into. 

❹ Exhibition Music : We set the exhibition music called 'Lo-fi' as genre, it pursues comfort and give us a drowsy and dreamy feeling. Also, Lo-fi’s slow beats will be the most suitable for the various sound effects, it could be goes along without any differences.​​​​​​​​​​​​​




ALL Visual Designed by Designer [ Yoon Jin Park ] / Seoul. Korea 

Copyright © 2019 by Yoon Jin Park All pictures and contents cannot be copied without permission 

Contact entries 
• E-mail : adellariopark@gmail.com / v_o3o_b@naver.com 
• Digit : +82)10-6245-0115​​​​​​​ (korea)​​​​​​​

Interactive Media Art [Low-Key] 미디어아트


Interactive Media Art [Low-Key] 미디어아트
