A mallet is an essential tool in the Woodworker's cabinet...
The mallet was a great first project, and has become a tool that I see constantly on my work bench. 
So much love and work went into this first project... 
It seems like such a simple thing; two blocks, a hole, and a handle. That's all the mallet is in it's essential parts. The amount of build up to this completed tool was shocking at first. Starting from an rough cut plank of lumber, hand planing it square and true... That took hours. Not to mention the labor of seting up and sharpening my handplane and chisels prior to even touching that first plank of wood. The project became more about dedication, hardwork and planning than building this simple tool.

Handmade Mallet

Handmade Mallet

2.5"x 5"x 12" Cherry, Walnut, Leather Thong, Boiled Linseed Oil
