Mütter Museum
Part of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, the Mütter Museum displays preserved collections of anatomical specimens, models, and medical instruments in a 19th-century “cabinet museum” setting. Here, every body has a story.
Origins of Weird
Every body has a story – and those stories are sometimes connected. The Mütter Museum will partner with Ancestry.com to help visitors discover what anomalies run in their blood. We might even connect some guests to long-lost relatives at the museum.
Hyrtl Faces AR Experience
There are more than 139 skulls inside the Hyrtl Skull Collection at the Mütter Museum. Each has a story thoroughly documented by Dr. Joseph Hyrtl. The museum will use augmented reality to show you what these people looked like in life.
Made with Zoe Alexander (art director) and Zey Masunu (art director).
Mütter Museum

Mütter Museum


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