Emma Black's profile

The Jesus Sticker

Title: ‘The Jesus Sticker’

The Jesus sticker is a simple yet iconic illustration of Jesus Christ. As a graphic piece it largely ecompasses my foundation as a christian; where Jesus is the centre of my faith. While overarchingly depicting the glory and power of God the son through a symbolic gesture of lightning and a body position which alludes to the ‘ascension’, this illustration can also be seen to represent a specific scripture from the Bible. - Matthew 24:27, “For as lightning that comes from the east is visible even in the west, so will be the coming of the Son of Man.”

Brief: Self- driven project. 

Process: Used precedents and images of lightning and figures of Jesus Christ to inspire a sketch and developing illustration on iPad's ‘Adobe Draw.’ Then sent the final illustration to a company for sticker production and I sold the stickers at leisure.

The Jesus Sticker


The Jesus Sticker
