The Brief:

“Homecoming” (2022) is an interior textile collection developed for a textile design class assessment. The brief asked to design a hypothetical collection for an artisan or designer of our choice. Aim of the task was to reflect on the chosen designer, incorporate their values, and examine how their practice could be improved or further developed. 
The Concept:

Known for her artisanal approach and slow making processes, Dutch felt maker Claudy Jongstra creates large commissioned art pieces for public institutions and designer fashion houses.

In appreciation of Jongstra’s ideals, “Homecoming” aims at bringing the essence of her making (natural dye, felting) closer for people to enjoy in their homes, while further expanding the brand’s sustainable practice and implementing circular processes.

Due to the deep connection between Jongstra’s practice and nature, “Homecoming” is inspired by memories of home. Therefore it plays with tactility and light.

The colour palette is inspired by nature, reminding of warm autumn days but remaining timelessly simple and beautiful.

Materials are derived from responsible sources and/or are recycled, while ensuring no harmful dyes and inks were used in the making process.
Instead, fibres were dyed organically and surface patterns were achieved by using traditional and innovative techniques such as stitch and laser cutting.

“Homecoming” is a timeless collection based around sustainability. By exploring a range of recycling methods to redirect post-consumer and production waste, we can redesign our approach to home textiles and minimise their impact on the environment.

This collection was a balancing act between artisan's identity and introducing new technologies and processes. Jongstra has a strong aesthetic and design voice undermined by ethics and a specific practice. My aim was to filter and maintain the essence of her slow making processes, but also expand on them in order to create textiles that can be (re)used. ​​​​​​​
Last but not least...

Enjoy this little "making of" video... :)​​​​​​​



Creative Fields