Asha A.'s profile

Inversions, a stretching exercise

aesthetics as sticky concepts      a syllabus
“If we understand the body and a series of “curved movements” (231) and folds, rather than straight lines or points, then we can start to see any and all embodiment as elastic and flexible yet still cohesive, as a “labyrinth of continuity” (231) composed of infinitely smaller folds.” 
What is a comfortable distance from a matter of concern and what does it mean to you? Is there such thing as comfortable distance, must/should/can their be?
How can an internal [communal?] conversation grow to include different languages and experiences? 
There’s no easy mobilisation of the pronoun “we”. Who’s included, who’s excluded? can institutional collectivity be separated from organic collectivity? 
Which truth? Whose truth? How true? The invaluable image. 
Trinh T. Min-Ha, When the Moon Waxes Red
How does embodiment take shape through encounters with others that surprise, that both establish and shift the boundaries of the familiar, of what is already recognisable or known? 
Sara Ahmed, Strange Encounters
Embodiment built thru social action, reaction and reaction...
it is quite centrally about "we," in agony or not.
How do we enter into an improvisation and how does the improvisation become recognizable, or does it ever become recognizable as a work of art? 
Lecture by Fred Moten (5.3.16), University of Chicago 
Inversions, a stretching exercise
Experimentation in different media with the ‘sticky feelings’ associated with surfaces, representation, and social embodiment based on the following premises:
Skin is impregnable,
surface-level connotes depth,
feelings are moving in an atomic fashion, not a linear one.
This work was developed and exhibited as part of the After Hours Residency Program hosted by Darat Al Funun - The Khalid Shoman Foundation, held online in Fall 2020. 
Inversions, a stretching exercise

Inversions, a stretching exercise
