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Useful Tips On Hair Transplant

Useful Tips On Hair Transplant
If you are looking for better hair loss treatment in Indore. If you are looking for a treatment of hair loss, you have to reach the root of the problem. Once you have reached the root cause, taking the treatment will be a simple task. 
If the nature of your hair loss is genetic, you need hair transplant surgery to get permanent results. 
If you do not know much about hair transplant surgery, this blog will help you to attain the necessary information. 
What is a hair transplant?
Hair transplant is an effective hair treatment in Indore that yields permanent results. In this treatment, a trained and experienced hair loss doctor moves healthy hairs from the back or side of the head and transplants them into the bald areas of the scalp. 
Hair transplant techniques
There are two common hair transplant techniques called follicular unit transplant and follicular unit extraction. 
Follicular unit transplant:
In this technique, the surgeon will remove a strip of tissues from the back or sides. In the next step, the surgeon will harvest healthy hairs from the strip to transplant them into the bald areas of the scalp. 
Follicular unit extraction:
In this technique, the surgeon will remove healthy hairs from the back and both sides directly without the involvement of a strip of skin. 
How does a hair transplant work?
When male pattern baldness affects the scalp of the patient, the entire area does not become totally bald. The sides and back of the head grow baldness-resistant hair. Therefore, you see a thin layer of hair on the scalp of the patients. 
Surgeons borrow the hairs from this area to transplant them into the bald scalp. The hair grows in new areas of the scalp with full strength due to its resistance to genetic baldness. 
What should you expect after the hair transplant surgery?
Do not expect instant results after the surgery. you have to wait for at least six months to see the sign of hair growth on your scalp. It is also possible that you observe hair shedding before the first signs of hair growth. but do not worry since it is a temporary state. Hair follicles are safe inside the skin. After some time, the hair grafts will grow new hair a positive sign of good results. 
Hair will be thinner at the first stage but gradually get proper density and strength. After 12 months you will see witness good density and thickness. 
To see proper hair growth in the recipient area, you have to follow the instruction provided by the surgeon. 
Are you a good candidate?
Your hair doctor in Indore will check your scalp to examine your donor area. If it has enough healthy hair, you will receive the surgery successfully. 
Moreover, your health condition will also determine the results of the surgery. patients with chronic health issues do not have the treatment. 
If you smoke or drink, you have to leave these habits to ensure that you have good results.
Useful Tips On Hair Transplant

Useful Tips On Hair Transplant



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