Sunny side street
The non-commercial project came about spontaneously, as if woven from ethereal ideas. At first, I created a cozy house, but then it started to come alive, breathing and blossoming like flowers, enveloping the atmosphere of a gentle street. The sun gently streamed through the dense leafy trees, playing with shadows and drawing mysterious patterns on the ground.
Initially, I chose the Corona Renderer for the project, and it bestowed a special charm upon it. The static images were completed, but suddenly, the desire to bring the whole beautiful scene to life arose. I decided to transfer the scene to FStorm Render to expedite the process, as rendering with my powerful RTX 4090 graphics card became significantly faster. The transition went smoothly with the help of the reliable FStorm converter, although some manual adjustments were needed to fix certain materials. However, this proved to be a minor obstacle on my path towards the ultimate goal.
And now, the time had come to add something vibrant, something unforgettable to the animation. I wanted to infuse my own touch of creativity and create a visual and emotional focal point. This focal point became an orange car, emanating lively Indian music. The car confidently moves along a one-way street, disregarding the restrictions, captivating gazes, and causing hearts to beat in unison with the melody. This entire scene shatters the usual routine and brings forth a unique energy, embodying creativity and adventurous spirit.
Sunny Side/Animation


Project Made For

Sunny Side/Animation
