THE YEAR, 2022.
-           _             Contato #5644             _           -
On October 15, 2021 i won an NFT from the MMC (Magic Mushroom Clubhouse)for being an active member and this massively intensifies my deterritorialization. I start to assume my JPEG as my face and my nickname and serial number as my name, i get baptized in the blockchain. I accelerate the process of dehumanization, at least i want to. The economic and social analyzes about Brazil and the World are still present, now in visceral ways. Intense criticism of institutions and self-criticism. I criticize but do not deny, the acceleration seeked is to face late capitalism, post-modernity. A pustulent allergic reaction. The process is just beginning.
my new face, 2021.
NFT from the Magic Mushroom Clubhouse Collection.
/ Self portrait drawing, 2022. Digital drawing. /
/ Selfie, 2022.  Photo digital manipulation. /
/  Soul, 2022.  Drawing digital manipulation.  /
What is value?, 2022.
Digital manipulation.
Minting self-portrait, 2022.
Self-portrait/Mirror, 2021-2022
Acrylic paint, oil chalk, ballpoint pen, graphite, collage, fire and aggression on wood 20x40.
Criticism of the private and public surveillance model. Disbelief in state currencies. The realization that life in the metaverse has been going on for a long time. Mental illness. The fragmentary acceleration. To the cyber world, this is a manifesto.

Mining cell operating, 2022.
Mining cell, 2022
Coal, coffee, bitumen, graphite, acrylic paste, acrylic paint, glue, perfume, alcohol, lots of fire on canvas 15x15.
The work is made minted through the process of burning, the creation of energy, the gain or loss of it. It keeps moments of this industrialization of being. Evidence of all existing burn through any product, in this case art. A product that criticizes itself. stuck in a relativistic dilemma. High risk speculative article, cryptocurrencies, Brazilian stocks.

Self-portrait/Mirror, 2022
Blue permanent marker, bitumen, white acrylic paint over closet door 30x50.
The use of waste material in the work "Mirror" shows the relationship of belonging to society. A product of natural origin, wood, processed in an industrial way until it becomes a door and finally discarded. In the texts, self-criticism happens at all times as well as a path of deepening mental illness.

Minting Gáfico de Destrução/Already lives metaverse, 2022
Gáfico de Destrução/Already lives metaverse, 2022
Acrylic paint, oil paint, bitumen, acrylic putty, coffee, chalk, tile fragments, graphite, colored pencils, oil marker and collage on canvas 100x80.
The profusion of materials takes place during the investigation period of 5 months, while a process of deepening the relationship with the crypto/deterritorialized world takes place (Despite this, at times I deal with issues specific to Brazil). The work maintains this investigative layout through graphics, texts and figures. Criticism of the institutions that regulate the system. The shattering of tradition. The death of the real. All this from the point of view of an NFT, who was baptized at the end of 2021 and since then has sought to be less human, fails at various times.

Author text present in the frame
Gáfico de Destrução/Already lives metaverse
Text transcribed into English:

You wake up, get up, smell the coffee, have a pleasant morning with your family - everyone is happy - kiss the forehead of the children and your love, leave for work. You work with woodworking, everything about working with wood enchants you: the aromas, the textures, the nuances of knowing how to deal with materiality enchants you. You take a freshly cut trunk from a tree, you see each fiber and think about each season the plant has passed, the stick still carries the smell of weeds, you see ants passing between the cracks in the raw wood, one of them climbs into your hand. The sensation of the insect's paws running through your skin, you try to pull it out and a splinter of wood enters your finger. All of this is strangely real. You wake up. Take off your reality glasses. With nothing at your fingertips. Feel the loneliness and cry.

This is just the beginning of self degradation
2022 - THE YEAR.


2022 - THE YEAR.
