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Hayden Bennett Portfolio

Raster Graphics Portfolio
Hayden Bennett
Adding photos with Selection tool
Before: Empty film slides
After: Filled slides
The objective for the first assignment in Raster Graphics was to fill a minimum of 25 empty slide frames and experience the importance of selection, inverse, layer management, canvas size and the text tool. 
The assignment covered:
•Image size
•Canvas size
•Text tool
•Rectangle tool
•Paint bucket tool
•Layer naming and management
•Importing images into Photoshop
•Scaling images
•Sizing an image based on specifications
•Free transform feature
•Selection tools (polygon lasso)
•Inverse selection
The film slide photo was provided by the instructor.
The other images were acquired from unsplash.com.
Learning Filters​​​​​​​
Before: No filter
After: 24 different filters applied
This assignment explored the Filter menu, including the Filter Gallery. It also demonstrated how "selected pixels" can be manipulated within one image.

The assignment covered:
•Image size
•Canvas size
•Ruler guides
•Creating a grid
•Creating and duplicating labels
•Rectangle Marquee tool
This image was acquired from unsplash.com.
Pixel Basics- Photo sizes
Making a photo the correct size with corresponding adjustments.
This assignment teaches the value of understanding photo sizes when it comes to the professional world.

The assignment covered:
•File size
•Pixel dimensions
•Inches dimensions
•Free transform

This image was provided by instructor.
Making Selections
Grouping selected photos.​​​​​​​
This assignment taught us how to select specific areas of a photo and integrate it with another photo. 

The assignment covered:
•Using shortcut to add to selection
•Using shortcut to subtract from selection
•Pen tool
•Paths window
•Object selection
•Quick selection
•Magic wand

All images were provided by instructor 
Environmental Change​​​​​​​
This assignment taught us how to change the background of an image, add/ remove parts of photos, and replace the sky.

This assignment covered:
•Organizing and renaming layers
•Clone stamp tool
•Content aware fill feature
•Sky replacement feature

This image was provided by instructor.
Photoshop Actions
This assignment taught us how to download, find, and use actions within photoshop.

The assignment covered:
•Downloading an actions file.
•Knowing the importance and difference of having "artboard" checked or unchecked.
•Using the play button to add the effects. 
•Using the "action layer groups" to manipulate the colors of the photo. 

The image was provided by instructor. 
This assignment taught us how to use the liquify and puppet warp feature.

This assignment covered:
•Photo presets.
•Puppet warp.
•Liquify feature.
•Forward warp tool.
•Bloat tool.

All images were acquired from Unsplash.com.
Copycat Magazine Ad
This assignment taught us how to recreate elements of a professional magazine advertisement.

This assignment used:
•Clone stamp tool.
•Curvature pen tool.
•Eye dropper.
•Paint bucket.
•Gradient background. 
•Eraser tool. 

All images used were acquired from Unsplash.com
Portrait Retouch
This assignment taught us how to naturally retouch a photo.

This assignment covered:
•Line tool.
•Clone stamp tool.
•Content aware tool.
•Liquify face.
•Dodge tool.
•Burn tool.
•Blur tool.
•Smudge tool.
•Spot healing brush.
•Patch tool.

The image was provided by instructor.
Puppet Warp Tutorial
This exercise refreshed me on how to use the puppet warp tool.

This exercise covered:
• Object selection tool.
•Puppet warp tool.
•Eraser tool.

This image was acquired from Unsplash.com.
Tutorial link: https://photoshoptrainingchannel.com/puppet-warp-in-photoshop/
Magazine Cover​​​​​​​
This assignment taught us how to create a believable magazine cover

This assignment covered:
•Eraser Tool
•Clone Stamp
•Content Aware
•Liquify Face
•Dodge Tool
•Burn Tool
•Blur & Smudge Tool
•Spot Healing Brush Tool
•Patch Tool
•Adjusting brightness/contrast
•Adjusting hue/saturation/lightness

Image was acquired from Unsplash.com
Russel Brown
Adding a costume to a photo
This assignment taught us how to merge two photos into one.

This assignment used:
•Color balance
•Hair selection techniques
•Dodge/Burn tools
•Clone Stamp

Image was acquired from unsplash.com
Tattoo Artist
Adding tattoos to image
This assignment taught us how to add fake tattoos to a figure.

This assignment used:
•Apply Layer Modes assignment
•Layer opacity and fill
•Adjust image levels
•Photo filter

Image was acquired from Unsplash.com
Final Project
Adding multiple photos into one.
This assignment used:
•Object Selection 
•Select and Mask 
•Eraser Tool 
•Smudge Tool 
•Burn/ Dodge Tool 
•Clone Stamp Tool 
•Liquify Tool 
•Brush Tool 
•Sharpen Tool 
•Blur Tool 
•Color Adjustment 

All images were acquired from Unsplash.com
Hayden Bennett Portfolio

Hayden Bennett Portfolio
