Amanda Tello's profile

Advanced Computer Illustration

Using a reference and sketch, I had to create a hexagonal kite design for an events about steam locomotives with details that can be seen up-close or far away.
This assignment was to make a PSA poster for an aspect relating to the summer heat, in which my group was assigned food safety. The main goal of this assignment was to find a balance between the design and the information that needed to be directly stated. I was given 4 hours to put this ad together between the research, sketching, and execution.
For this project, I had to design a package to hold fact cards for kids about Ocean Life. References and sketches were used to create the animals and environment; but I also had to design the logo for the distribution company.
This assignment was a black and white illustration of a jungle with a foreground, mid ground, and background. I used a lot of line and stamps to create an illusion of shading and texture to certain elements.
I was then asked to add a Masked Crimson Tanager in color to the jungle for it to stand out. Given that its’ wings and tail were a dark gray, I added a thick white outline to make the bird stand out more.
I messed with 3D objects in Illustrator to make the bottle, but the focus was mainly on the design of the label in which the focus is the flavor name and the illustration of fruit conveying what it is meant to contain. (Some of the nutrition facts and legal garb are absent as that is for a future assignment on the same bottle.)
I recreated a baritone (small tuba) from an image and had to make it look realistic in its’ reflections off of itself. I’ll admit it took a while, but it yielded good results.
For a children's fantasy costume party, I had to design an invitation, an envelope for the invitation, a napkin, and a party hat. The primary focus was on the card itself as it had to be filled with original characters and say "Be A Party Animal".
I was assigned 5 artists by random in which I had to mimic their art styles and put such pieces on merchandise to sell at a museum. The specific artists I was given were: Paul Klee (artwork), Chris Ofili (travel cup), Camile Hilaire (t-shirt), Alejandro Otero (scarf), and Paul Gauguin (tote bag).
Advanced Computer Illustration

Advanced Computer Illustration
