Publication Design
Why limit the beauty of design to just one of our senses? 

This project is around making use of typography and exploring the best ways to  achieve beautiful typography. Design should be immersive and try and use as many of the senses it possibly can. With this idea in mind I wanted to created something for the visually impaired community to introduce them to elements of graphic design. In this book I decided to make use of the sense of touch, making use of uncoated textured paper as well as embossing to create the element of being able to feel different typefaces, and allow the visually impaired to experience the different typefaces there are and how they are used.

This book is created to be a typographical exploration for the visually impaired, so that they can feel what an element of graphic designs looks like. This book is to create a more inclusive element for the different senses other than vision.
Publication Design

Publication Design


Creative Fields