Deck repair Charleston SC go beyond hammering nails and using nails. Repairs include replacing planks and fixing broken railing. A board that is rotten or broken will need more extensive repairs than one that has been filled with wood. If the rot has penetrated below the surface, it may be necessary to replace the board.
First, determine the reason for the deck's destruction. A few minor stains may be enough to make the deck look better, but more severe discolorations may indicate a structural problem. Cracks or splinters may indicate that your board needs to be repaired, but not necessarily replaced. You should repair any cracks or stains as soon as possible to prevent it from spreading.

Minor repairs can be done yourself, or you may hire a deck repair company. Repairs could be as simple as fixing rotted or warped wooden boards, or more complex like repairing gaps between boards or repairing boards that are missing. Do not attempt deck repairs if you don't have the necessary tools. An expert should be called in if there is extensive damage. An expert might be the best option if you are dealing with termites and extensive mold.

Three quotes are a good idea if you want to hire a deck contractor. These services can be very expensive so make sure to compare all quotes. An average cost for small repairs is between $50 to $100. The cost of replacing the entire deck may rise if the damage is extensive. When you hire a contractor for the job, be sure to get a written quote that includes labor and materials.
Deck Repair

Deck Repair
