Adyasha Nayak's profile

Current Conservation Inktober 2022

Forest canopies are formed by mature tree crowns. Canopies are important in regulating the climate of forests by controlling light and rainfall that reaches the forest. They are also important carbon sinks and unique habitats for arboreal species.
Howler Monkey
Flower mantises display something known as 'aggressive mimicry', using their petal-like legs and bodies to hide from predators and ambush the prey.
Eurasian Lynx
Dawn chorus is when birds sing at the start of a day.
In the modern context, foraging increases food accessibility, provides options, and saves costs for some.
Spotted Eagle Ray
Crepuscular rays at twilight.
Glow: bioluminescent fungi.
Edible insects have been part of indigenous cultures, and now they are emerging as modern solutions for food security.
Mycorrhizal network is an underground network found in forests created by the hyphae of mycorrhizal fungi joining with plant roots. This network connects individual plants together, transfers nutrients, and sometimes 'messenger' chemicals.
Current Conservation Inktober 2022


Current Conservation Inktober 2022
