The End War - Exam bachelor project 

Type of game: Boardgame, Cardgame, War game, Dice game

Game Designer: Giovanni Negri-Clementi

Illustration: Giovanni Negri-Clementi, Sofia Magnaghi

Graphics: Giovanni Negri-Clementi, Matteo Gatti

The game: After World War 3 all those atomic bombs killed all the humans and most animals on the earth, some smaller animal that were living underground saved themselves but all the radiations mute them in smart creatures. The famine come and now war is among animals, who will win? 
Gameplay: Players will fight with their own constructed deck. Every card of their deck have a cost and a dice, that will be your dice pool. You will play your dices on the board to fight versus the enemy army. Roll the dice and modify the results by effects and special action. Use the terrain in your favor to destroy the enemy and get victory points. When a dice get destroyed you can discard a card of that dice to make him back to live, but you will have less cards than your enemy. 
The End War

The End War
