Brief about the game
Learning Financial basics at an early age would empower teenagers with financial planning & knowledge under the guidance of others. The conventional game of snakes & ladders is redesigned to make teenagers learn the basics of stock market. It aims to develop the curiosity in young minds on how money works in real world. This opportunity can be used to make them understand the importance of money & its effect on our lives. 

Age Group - 11 to 15 years 

Rules - 
1) All players to start playing from block 1. As the dice rolls, player has to move no. of blocks as per the no. of shown on dice.
2) Every player to be given total Rs. 100 from the currency notes of Rs. 5, 10, 15 & 20. Maximum 4 players can play the game. 
3) A set of currency cards of total Rs. 1000 is kept at a side. It is the price of company named - Twisting Company ( or any other company name of  players choice) 
4) If player stops at Profit block (indicated in green color), then from the Currency deck player will take the money indicated by the arrow. Along with it, player will jump up on to the block no. where profit arrow ends. 
5) If player stops at Loss Block (indicated in Red Color), then player has to keep the amount indicated by the arrow in the Currency Deck cards. Along with it, player has too jump down on the block no. where loss arrow ends. 
6) If player stops on block no. 29, then player gets the company share card worth Rs. 10.
7) Any player stopping at block no. 42 (Market close block) has to skip its next chance of playing. 
8) Player reaching at block no. 74, gets the dividend of Rs. 20
9) When any player reaches block no. 100, the game ends. All players have to total the amount of money they have and player with the highest amount of money wins. 
Stock Ladder

Stock Ladder
