TOSCA Event Collateral - Term 2, 2021
A theatrical play of drama and romance set within the occurrences of World War 2 - Held at the Sydney Opera House.
I chose to represent the play's themes of love and betrayal through an illustration of my own; combining the symbolisms of a snake, dagger, and a heart and having the overall designs look more accurate to its time period with the layout and choice of font.
I created a brochure and a flyer as part of the events collateral, adapting the same elements of the main poster and illustration to fit the document.
The gist of the play as introduced by the Sydney Opera House showcased at the back of the brochure. A quoted review on the play and the date and place  of the event showcased on the front.
The contents of the brochure feature the ticket prices, location, sponsors, the names of the Composer and Conductor, and a short background on the plot of the play as well as the official website of the opera house.
The flyer has more concise information than the brochure, intended for quick distribution with details that grab the audiences interest. These only include the date and location of the event and standard ticket price at the front and the gist of the plot, the names of the main cast, and a content warning at the back.
Thank you!

