Amber Oberholzer's profile

Graphic Vocabulary: Unwonted

Graphic Vocabulary​​​​​​​: Unwonted
Project brief
The Brand Council is a non-profit organisation that consists of members across design, marketing and advertising industries. The aim of the Brand Council is to create a vehicle that represents the entire design industry, promoting the value and relevance of design as a discipline in today’s society and world, through events such as Designers on Design and the Creative Circle Design Awards.
This year, the Brand Council has decided to launch a new event – a creative awards event that has not until now, existed in South Africa. Unlike the Loeries or Creative Circle, which include a variety of categories from Print Communications to Film, this awards event will centre around a particular aspect of design/creativity. 
As the Brand Council is an NPO, an appropriate sponsor must be selected for the event, with a brand mission that aligns with the chosen awards. In the above example, perhaps Pantone would be a good idea as a partner. The brand personality of the sponsor must feature prominently and inform the overall feel of the event brand. Together with your chosen awards, this will guide your exploration and strategy as you develop a suitable visual language for this exciting new event.

Technical specifications & deliverables
This project requires one to:
1. explore the type of awards event and an appropriate sponsor;
2. identify the event persona;
3. develop an appropriate event name/lockup;
4. map the visual tone in order to develop graphic assets;
5. consolidate and apply this visual language to select design collateral; and
6. compile a unified, hierarchy-driven style guide of the visual language and application.

Outdoor media
Landscape billboard, with dimensions 3m (H) x 6m (W)
Consider the large scale when designing and work to a proportionate artboard that can scale up
without image quality loss. As a guide for raster imagery, you will need to work to at least 70% of
the size so as to scale up without major quality loss. 
Goodie bag
A 3D mock-up of a branded goodie bag that will be given to those attending the event. The choice
of size, the material it is made of and the type of bag, box or container should compliment the
event’s theme.
Promotional gift
A 3D mock-up of a promotional gift that will be included in the event goodie bag. 
Event programme / booklet
Develop an event programme in the form of a booklet or folded brochure. There are no
specifications for the dimensions or orientation of the booklet, however it should be able to fit
inside the event goodie bag. 
Operational design
Event name tags x3: Media | Staff | Nominee
Dimensions: 56,5mm (W) x 88,5mm (H) - Conceptualise a design that is impactful, relevant to the theme and
expands the graphic vocabulary set.
Rationale on design strategy
Process work
Logo Exploration
Final Deliverables
Operational Design
Goodie Bag
Promotional Gift
Graphic Vocabulary: Unwonted


Graphic Vocabulary: Unwonted


Creative Fields