Most metropolitan cities around the world are considered to be the greenest with lush parks and strong green infrastructure. While 
Boston may not be as large, it is still a very densely populated city and has a strong green network in place known as “The Emerald Necklace”. As the metropolis grew, the “The Necklace” stayed and was surrounded by the city. This small metropolitan area should 
aspire to create a network that would make Boston even greener than the rest by creating parks and spaces for recreation. How can we
create this new green system within an already established city 
By looking at how a city infrastructure could be transformed with the addition of green spaces that could be added within, on top or even on the side of building. The “Rope Walk” Building will serve as an example of how a city infrastructure, such as a hotel, could be applied with a green space. This principal could be reused all over the city to create a lush, beautiful, green network. 
Boston Green Network Investigation
Green Infrastructure Diagram
Green Infrastructure Design Diagram
Creating Green Network at Boston Diagram
Rope Walk Building, Front Entance
Rope Walk Building, Full Length
Rope Walk Building, First Floor
Rope Walk Building, Second Floor
Cite Map, Over Veiw
Cite Map, Access Points
Massing Diagram
Floor plan, First and Second Floor
Long Section, Three Close Up Views: 
Unit A, Green Roof
The Park
Unit B and C, Green Wall 
Rendering Unit A, Green Roof 
Rendering Unit A, Green Roof + Hill Element
Rendering The Pool
Rendering Unit A, Green Roof
Rendering Unit B, Enclosed by Natur
Rendering Unit C, The Green Wall
Short Section + Unit B and C Detail
Model, Top View
Model, Interior View
Green Hous-Tel


Green Hous-Tel

The project looked closely to the city of Boston and how it could re develop its green network and become a truly green metropolis.
