So... You know, I'm not only a stage designer, but also a puppeteer, and from time to time my wife and I make cute puppets... here's one of them.
Spent a lot of time with the customer to understand what she wanted...
At first, Fly looks like Edith Piaf. But secondly, Fly must be a little girl dreaming of a singing career... A-a-a!!! How is it possible? How do you combine that?
But no matter what, the work began...
And so we made a decision: Fly is just a stereotypical French little girl... But the client wants it to be not green or something like that. Fly and not colorful. How is that possible, you ask me... But spoiler alert - can be...
Some images in progress
And finished product
She's a bit like Susan Sarandon. As for our point of view. What is your opinion?
Puppet Fly


Puppet Fly
