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Battlefield Relic

Battlefield Relic, The Only Witness Left Standing to the Battle of Culloden - It'sHistoria
Battlefield Relic, The Only Witness Left Standing to the Battle of Culloden. On a windswept moor in Scotland, a lonely cottage stands as a silent witness to a long-ago battle. The battlefield relic is all that remains of the bloodshed, death, and destruction that took place there over three hundred years ago.
The Old Leanach cottage is the only witness left standing to the Battle of Culloden. After the bloody defeat of the Jacobite army, the cottage was all that remained of the struggle for the Stuarts' return to the throne. The Jacobite dream was crushed by the British government force, and the cottage has remained as a grim reminder of the terrible consequences of rebellion.
Battlefield Relic

Battlefield Relic
