Besides design, I am also a copywriter. I wrote all the content for The company dealt with energy efficiency and solar power. The site was written from an educational standpoint, to provide potential customers with the answer to any common question about how solar and other energy efficiency measures would work in their own homes. In order to write this site, I had to take a very complex topic, do a great deal of background reading and figure out how to explain it clearly and briefly to someone who had not done the background reading and had no previous knowledge of solar power. It also needed to be friendly and get people into the mindset that solar was something that "all the cool kids are doing" and something very achievable for their own homes. Solar and other efficiency measures are not undertaken to save the planet. They are undertaken in order to join the "green" crowd and save money.
My strengths as a copy writer are my ability to tell an engaging story and to parse complex topics into easy-to-understand, persusaive copy.

This page is providing social proof of the value of solar and efficency upgrades. I interviewed severl of our clients and condensed their thoughts (with their full editorial approval) into these testimonials.
Rather then the standard about page, Vast's page focused on WHY we got into the solar business in the first place. In order for our customers to do business with us, we needed to clearly tell them what we believed about our business and our reasons for coming to work every day.
This is the main "how does this work" page with all the information someone would need (in easy-to-repeat chunks) in order for them to explain to someone else WHY they choose to go solar.
Copy Writing

Copy Writing

Copywriting for energy efficiency/solar web site


Creative Fields