Existence of Life 

This project was created with the aim of helping people think about the reason for the existence of humanity based on the theme of existentialism. In the understanding of being, in what is gained through the understanding of the word, a person receives liberation for existence, from which his story begins.
It consists of 5 pictures, each of which carries its own meaning.

The author is Viktoria Huslieva.

The main idea is that human existence is interpreted as a drama of freedom, because at each phase of self-creation of an individual, it depends on each choice, each decision. The main symbol of the composition is a baby. A symbol of a new beginning.

The formation of personality is the process of social development of a person, his formation as a subject of activity, a member of society, a citizen. It is revealed and formed in the process of conscious activity and communication. The graphic work used the effect of pattern, which makes it possible to understand the "conveyor" of human lives.

Is a stage of the will, implying giving a preference as a result of rejecting one of two or more alternatives, sometimes after a period of consideration. This reflection can be throughout life.

It arises due to a person's feeling that no one understands him, there is no soul able to appreciate his dignity.
Each person is alone in this world looking for their own meaning.

Realizing the end of his earthly existence and asking himself about the meaning of life, a person begins to develop his own attitude to life and death. And so it is clear that this topic is perhaps the most important for every person and occupies a central place in the entire culture of mankind.

Emphasising the theme of my project, I used the method of cyclicity here, the last work shows at the beginning that every person, regardless of who they are or when they were born, goes through the same path.


