Careers Growing –
How to negotiate better salary after a job offer
A set of editorial illustrations made for, a portal, which mission is to help job seekers grow careers. 

The illustration below was made for the article about the salary negotiation. It's rather tricky to find the right balance here, that's why we decided to represent it through the teeterboard, like in a circus, where you need do think through your steps rather carefully and also pay attention to what your partner is doing on the other end of the board.
How to get an internship​​​​​​​
It was important to get away from a common everyday experience of the interns in an office.  Several different craftsmanships were observed and discussed and the final choice was the blacksmiths. 
The clean sketches of the initial ideas are a must. It's the way the very early stage of work looks like. The sketches helped us to set boundaries and agree on the most suitable solution for the article. 
How to write a resume the best way possible
This time the illustration was made for the article on how to tame a CV and make it work for you. The idea was to compare the process of compiling a CV to a snake-charmer's routine. It was chosen out of many, as it represented the tips given in the article the best way. 
Careers Growing


Careers Growing
