Mari Hosho's profile

Generative Identity - Isamu Noguchi Museum

This is a student project to create a generative branding system for rebranding Isamu Noguchi Museum in New York. The work involves generative identity system that uses javascript coding.
Challenge:  The current logo and design is minimalistic in black and white, whereas his pieces in his exhibition and in the museum featured more warmth that shed light on his cultural background. Through my research, I found out he values integration of two opposing components: artificial and natural objects, light and shadow, solid and soft texture, to name a few. I wanted to rebrand the museum in more interactive manner while showing the beauty of Noguchi’s work.
Solution: I created an animated logo that features his signature work, resembling his work “the light sculpture.” In order to make it mysterious yet revealing some features of Noguchi’s work, I used colors and shapes out of Noguchi’s work presented in his museum and created an interactive system that spur imagination of the experience viewers can have there.
Logo / Interactive System
Try the interactive system from here!
Generative Identity - Isamu Noguchi Museum


Generative Identity - Isamu Noguchi Museum
