Nirupama CK's profile

Website CX, UX & UI

Brampton Immigration is a consultancy that deals with different types of visa procession and other lawyer services. 

Their old website had a lot of pain points and navigation issues that acted as bottle necks for users to interact with the webpages. 

By looking at the birds eye view of these problems, there was a potential to resolve them. To begin with, understanding the customer persona is important to then stand in their shoes and start looking at their experience at every touchpoint on the website. 
After understanding the customer persona, its demographics, psychographics, goals and keywords used to resolve queries I started mapping out the lifecycle stages, website SWOT and outlining the website goals. 
The wireframe and final website design of the home page. 
Home page animation for Brampton Immigration website
Form with 2 fields on hero for faster navigation on the website. 
Website mockups on laptop and desktop. The website is responsive for mobile as well. View it here: 
Website CX, UX & UI

Website CX, UX & UI
